Project SEARCH is a nationwide initiative that attempts to provide structured learning and internships for students with disabilities in their last year of High School or when finishing a Transition program. Started at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, it is now in approximately 275 sites across 40 states and four countries. Project SEARCH’s primary objective is to secure competitive employment for people with disabilities. The one year internship takes place in a healthcare, government or business setting where total immersion in the workplace facilitates the teaching and learning process as well as the acquisition of employability and marketable work skills. The program allows students to participate in up to three internships to explore a variety of career paths. The students work with a team that includes their family, a special education teacher and Rehabilitation Services Administration to create an employment goal and support the student during this important transition from school to work. SASED, along with several other local school districts and local community agencies, have partnered with Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield to offer this exciting program.

Central DuPage Hospital
25 North Winfield Road
Winfield, IL 60190