For Parents

Welcome Parents!  This web page has been designed to provide you with important resources and information. Listed below are several topics that our parents have expressed an interest in. The Programs and Services Department of SASED wants to make sure that this parent website remains viable and useful for you.

Mental Health 24/7 Supports: DuPage Health - Mental Health Crisis Information

Recreation:(There are several organizations in the DuPage & Cook Counties that offer recreational activities throughout the year.)

South side:

West side:

North side:  

Illinois State Board of Education: (The Illinois State Board of Education has a dedicated website for parents on a variety of topics.)

Parents Rights, glossary of terms, IEP quick reference chart: Illinois State Board of Education Special Education Parents/Guardians Information

Understanding P.U.N.S. (Prioritizations of Urgency of Need for Services) IDHS - Understanding P.U.N.S.

P.U.N.S. Parent Training (virtual) - January 16, 2025 from 11:00 - 12:30 PM. Click here for detailed information on how to access the training


Associations, Councils, Centers, and Societies:

Autism Society: Since 1965, the Autism Society has been providing information for individuals on the spectrum, family members, and professionals.
Council for Exceptional Children: The Council for Exceptional Children provides information and resources about Special Education.
Easter Seals: For almost 100 years, Easter Seals has been providing services to those with special needs and disabilities.
Family Voices: Children and youth with special health care needs can benefit from Family Voices.
Federation for Children with Special Needs: The focus of the Federation for Children with Special Needs is on the parents and providing support for them, which in turn benefits the child with special needs.
Family Hope Center: When children or adults have special needs, the Family Hope Center provides support to the entire family.
Family Resource Center on Disabilities: Training, assistance, and information are given to parents of children with disabilities by the Family Resource Center on Disabilities.
National Association of Parents with Children in Special Education (NAPCSE): Parents of Special Education students can learn how to be their child’s best advocate.
National Council on Independent Living: NCIL promotes social change and strives to do away with disability driven discrimination.
National Center for Learning Disabilities: Children and adults with learning disabilities will benefit from the information and resources available from the National Center for Learning Disabilities.
National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability: NCWD for Youth provides strategies and development systems for youth with disabilities to join the workforce.
National Down Syndrome Society: The NDSS supports people with Down Syndrome by providing resources such as wellness, education, and research.
Pacer Center: The Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights utilizes the idea of parents helping parents and provides support and resources for children and youth with disabilities and their families.
Parent to Parent USA: Parent to Parent USA offers support to parents of children with special needs.
United Spinal Association: The United Spinal Association offers support, advice, and resources for those with spinal cord injuries.

Services & Resources:

Multi-Sensory and Special Needs toys and Sensory Integration Kits.

Talking Books and Braille Service offered free of charge from the Illinois State Library.

Books and DVDs available on every issues related to children with disabilities.

Bullying and Youth with Disabilities:  

There are resources to help children with disabilities who are bullied or who bully others. Youth with disabilities often have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or Section 504 plans that can be useful in crafting specialized approaches for preventing and responding to bullying. These plans can provide additional services that may be necessary.